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Date(s) - Monday, Aug 31
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

pin OUTCentralOregon


Session 1: Queer Liberation and Abolition
Tuesday, June 30th, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Session 2: Queer Liberation, Abolition, and Labor
Date and Time:
Tuesday, July 28, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Session 3: Racial Capitalism, Abolition, and Decolonial Struggle
Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 31, 6:30pm


Register in advance for this series:

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In the years since the white supremacist, vigilante murder of Trayvon Martin we’ve seen an increase of radical politics entering the mainstream, but have seen very little radical change. The political reawakening that proceeded this racist murder, and that was preceded by events like Occupy Wall Street, has led to a renewed politicization among queer folks, especially QTBIYOC (youth of color). We can see the results of this transformation on the streets of all major cities in the country now. This wave of radicalization is also why we hear calls in Queer communities across the nation for “No Cops at Pride,” and for calls to “Reclaim Pride.” Radical Queer and trans folks, especially QTBIPOC, have been at the forefront of these liberatory movements since colonial contact. These activisms have been integral in connecting queer struggles for liberation, national and international, to broader struggles for liberation across the globe. And it has been precisely these legacies that have brought us to where we are now. To create a world free of violence, a world that honors and uplifts QTBIPOC, and queer folks of all colors, we must understand how our liberation is tied to the liberation of all Black folks, and of all oppressed peoples the world over. Our histories as queer folks, QPOC, have always been in conversation with the Black Radical Tradition, and with broader anti-imperialist and decolonial struggles all over the world. Is our duty to honor that legacy, and to understand the politics of, and fight alongside, the folks that have laid the groundwork for the moment we’re in now. We have to understand why there are calls for police and prison abolition, why we have to joint those calls, and what that means for our Central Oregon community, and our future as LGBTQIA+ folks living in this community.

Come to this teach-in to learn about these histories and engage in dialogue with other queer folks in Central Oregon about why this moment is calling for us to embrace a more radical politic. We strive to create an environment where the teacher-student hierarchy is disrupted, and as such we will learn from each other and will all be asked to share our opinions/feedback in this series of events.

If you do not identify as LGBTQIA+, this space is not for you. Additionally, if you are LGBTQIA+, please understand that this space is meant for folks who wish to learn about and challenge white supremacy, racial capitalism, settler colonialism, homonationalism, US/European imperialism, and patriarchy. Please seriously assess whether you’re ready to engage with these topics and whether you’ll be able to contribute productively.


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