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Date(s) - Wednesday, Sep 09
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


We Are George is a weekly virtual discussion open to all. The spirit of George Floyd can either become a hashtag on an instagram page or a forever burning ember of change. We Are George is a weekly talk where we’ll provide a safe space to discuss the structural racism and oppression that impacts black and brown communities, engage in tools for action and change, and focus on how people of color can heal and sustain. Our mission is to give people who suffer from the binds of systemic oppression and racism, the space to keep a breathe of fresh air on the embers, so his flame, and America’s need for change, never goes out again.


Week 1 – What is Blackness? An Exploration of Identity

A discussion on values and how you came into your identity.

Week 2 – Protecting Your Peace and Protesting

Have you been feeling guilty about not going out and protesting? How are you protecting your peace?

Week 3 – Dealing with Race-Based Trauma

Race-Based stress and trauma is a real thing.

Week 4 – Anti-Black Aggressions – Workplace and Life

We use the term “micro-aggressions”, but these are simply “aggressions”. How does your job address this issue?

Week 5 – The Intersection of Covid + White Supremacy

This discussion focuses on two concurrent entities affecting the Black community. How do we process all of these things happening at once?

Week 6 – Redefining Hood Politics + Community ‘

Let’s begin to reimagine what community looks like during these times.

Week 7 – Structural Racism Manifesting

Has our community started moving into action? Are we all prepared for radical change?

Week 8 – Where Do We Go From Here?

Let’s imagine a new world that accepts Blackness.

Each of these topics is introduced, allows for a roundtable discussion, and provides breakout rooms for intimate conversations about the issue at hand.

Guest Speakers

Guest speakers of color from the community are invited to share and provide their own stories of advocacy and social justice. If you are interested in being a guest speaker at We Are George, please email

Contact Information

Instagram: wearegeorgephl

We Are George. Will you join us?


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